Thursday, June 16, 2011

Love Is Love

Love is love is love is love.
     It's not the same, it's not the same.

Love is the slice of life.
     The moments of heart beat, thigh beat, eye beat.

Love is love is love is love.
     What have you got when it is done?
     But moment's of thought.
     Measures that have come though hearts.

Foreboding of life;
     Love is love is love is love.

Have you known the pleasure of the moment?
     Hearts beating together.
     Hearts beating in rhythm and rhythm and rhythm and rhythm and time and time.

Love is love is love is love.
     Have you seen the moment of her breasts
     Sky lighted upon shallows of night.

Hearts in bondage.
     Moments thrashing.
     Throw the dice.

Landscape of her body;
     Mountains, five valleys.
     Cascade off her mind.
     Mind is body, shaped like ecstasy.

Love is love is love is love.
     Know but man - woman.

Love is love is love is love.
     Trace the outline of her nipples
     In the soft, soft moments of erect night....

K.J.K.  11-25-01