It begins at the autumn of our souls.
When all is turning rust colored.
Leaves to brown, flowers to dust.
The wheel in the sky moves on.
With or without us.
Who neither aid nor hinder its progress.
After fall, comes winter.
Laying its cool crisp blanket of snow all around.
Showing that rust can turn to pure, virgin, white.
The wheel in the sky moves on.
With or without us.
Who neither aid nor hinder its progress.
The landscape turns a gentler shade.
One of brown mixed with green.
Spring returns life to the world.
The wheel in the sky moves on.
With or without us.
Who neither aid nor hinder its progress.
It is summer and the green of Earth surrounds us.
Mixed with colors of every hue.
As flowers open wide and rock back and forth in the breeze.
The wheel in the sky moves on.
With or without us.
Who neither aid nor hinder its progress.
The wheel is season.
The wheel is change.
The wheel is forever.
K.J.K. 06-23-96